C1 Advanced

C1 Advanced

The C1 Advanced qualification is recognised globally by over 9,000 educational institutions, businesses, and government departments as a testament to your high-level proficiency in English. This certification demonstrates that you can comprehend complex written and spoken English, express yourself fluently and accurately in a various contexts, and communicate effectively with native speakers.

This qualification opens up a world of opportunities, from studying at top universities to working in multinational corporations.

C1 Advanced qualification shows that you can

Group 1693

Follow an academic course at university level

Group 1506

Communicate effectively at a managerial and professional level

Group 1506

Participate with confidence in workplace meetings or academic tutorials and seminars

Group 1696

Express yourself with a high level of fluency

Reasons to choose C1 Advanced

Group 1701

Monthly test dates available at 2,800 exam centres around the world

Group 907-1

Accepted by over 9,000 educational institutions, businesses and government departments

Group 907

Opens doors to international travel, work and study

Can do summary

The tables below give some examples at each level of typical general ability
These statements are linked to the CEFR

Typical abilitiesReading and writingListening and speaking
Overall general ability
  • CAN read quickly enough to cope with an academic course
  • CAN take reasonably accurate notes in meetings or write a piece of work which shows an ability to communicate
  • CAN contribute effectively to meetings and seminars within own area of work or keep up a casual conversation with a good degree of fluency, coping with abstract expressions
Social and tourist
  • CAN understand complex opinions/arguments as expressed in serious newspapers
  • CAN write most letters they are likely to be asked to do; such errors as occur will not prevent understanding of the message
  • CAN pick up nuances of meaning/opinion
  • CAN keep up conversations of a casual nature for an extended period of time and discuss abstract/cultural topics with a good degree of fluency and range of expression
  • CAN understand the general meaning of more complex articles without serious misunderstanding
  • CAN given enough time, write a report that communicates the desired message
  • CAN follow discussion and argument with only occasional need for clarification, employing good compensation strategies to overcome inadequacies
  • CAN deal with unpredictable questions
  • CAN scan texts for relevant information, and grasp main topic of text
  • CAN write a piece of work whose message can be followed throughout
  • CAN follow up questions by probing for more detail
  • CAN make critical remarks/express disagreement without causing offence

C1 Advanced exam consists of 4 parts


Reading & use of english

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
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  • 1 hour 30 minutes


  • 40 minutes approximately


  • 15 minutes approximately

Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

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